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Archive > Updates > 2015 > October

Section: Projects > HackPics

Continuing my attempt to get stuff moved over to GitHub, I just added a GitHub Repo for HackPics.

This is a rather old project that I originally created in late 2004. It had some minor modifications done to it in mid 2008 to help with the code clarity so others could work with it easier. I was requested to add it to GitHub a few weeks back, so here it is. Strangely enough, this has always been one of my most popular Projects. Always seems to happen with video game utilities/projects.

The rather long explanation of the project history and my findings regarding this project can be found in the request thread on my forum.


Just uploaded a new project (that I actually got up on github a bit over a week ago), HTTP-Forwarders v1.0.0. It completely mirrors a website on a different domain by forwarding through a server. It has 2 HTTP forwarder/proxies. One in Go, and the other in PHP. Note: The Go version is much more advanced, reliable, and fast.

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