Advancing Website Launch
Section: Website
Time: 01/06/08 7:01:05 pm
Updates that reference “WebSite”: Website Design Complete, Site to launch soon, no, really!, Site Online!, A little bit more delay, Multi updates links, Official Website Launch, Site Color Scheme, Updated Front Page Blurb, WebSite Toggle Text Fix, Site overhaul for the 21st century
Some stuff has been happening in my current life I don’t want to go into particularly, so I have been working a lot harder on getting everything up here. I will be trying to put the site live sooner than later, hopefully. Got the rest of the pages (only really had 2 of them partially done before) hastily coded, so things are looking relatively good. Things should be as I want them permanently in a very short time after launch, as quality really always comes first. It also really helps me to be working on a clock, as my best and most efficient work is done when being pressed.
I still have a lot to do until I’m ready for an official launch (meaning announcing it to everyone, submitting to search engines, etc) including some pretty big redesigns, but I’m happy with how things are right now to at least get it up. Putting something live helps make it easier to work on too because then immediate results are seen as opposed to “one big massive thing” you are working on that will get shown eventually. To add comments, please go to the forum page for this update (guest comments are allowed for the Projects, Posts, and Updates Forums). Comments are owned by the user who posted them. We accept no responsibility for the contents of these comments.
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