Full Name: Vincent Anderson
Age: 16
Residence:Lakeland, Florida
Occupation: I have been sending in applications and such, but no luck yet
Position at Hynes: On this site I will be mainly working on the codes and helping out with whatever testing needs to be done
Other emu-related jobs: My first job ever was a newsposting job at N64Zone.com thanks to dabods. ter), right now I am working on my on Gamecube site called Gamecube Revolution which should hopefully be up within a few weeks. I got into emulation in early 2000 (I would have gotten into it sooner if my video card hadn't arrived so late) after I got into emulation I started to go to various emulation boards, and in most cases I got to help out people with my 2700+ posts which had made me a regular. Then after a while I started to get on IRC some more, and then ICQ, and now I have a whole bunch of different communication devices. Nowadays I usually am just on AIM and IRC (The Planet Gamecube chatroom) Anyways, hopefully I ca help out with this emulator quite a bit and I hope when my own site gets up it becomes a success, and that's about all I have to say about me ;)