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01-14-25 02:31 AM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - blacksmith.... |
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Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

Since last post: 8241 days
Last activity: 8230 days
Posted on 05-22-02 10:32 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
ahh, just saw the new info and pictures about this second class and I must say I feel great about having built my merch up untill he his now but......
do we need to reach level 50 to change class??
I mean, a merchant takes double the time (or more) than a swordsman to level up.
I feel like i'll take ages to gain 30+ levels....
any insights?

And once again our friend, and semi-hero posts again....



Since: 04-16-02
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 05-22-02 11:24 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
with bits of info running loose all over the place.. some say it is a "quest" that one undertakes to accomplish this.. I do not think you have to be level 50.. but might need the "proper" re-req skills/level (might be 30+) to change jobs..who knows

Your Local Merchant on Chaos/Loki

Since: 05-03-02
From: Vancouver
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 05-23-02 12:39 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
The new exp system will help a lot. 4x the experience

of course, reaching job lvl 50 would be would be much easier if Gravity would implement my idea of giving merchants job exp by buying Equipment and usable items from NPCs as well as selling etc items to NPCs ~_^

Since: 03-16-02

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Posted on 05-23-02 01:16 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
They have said that you don't have to be lvl 50 (job) to get ever second class. Some will require it, but others won't. Sadly, I'd asume Blacksmith will be one of the higher job lvl required second classes, as it will be very very useful.

Since: 05-03-02

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Posted on 05-23-02 01:41 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
And i think it would be very wise for tzhe player to change jobs as late as possible, cause the wont be able to get the 1st job skills on the 2nd job.....

Imagine a mage changing his job at joblvl 30 with lvl 10 SP, 10SS and 10 NB.....
a real suckermage.... hehe

Since: 05-22-02

Since last post: 7964 days
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Posted on 05-23-02 11:30 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
ok is the new job change a job upgrade or will we be able to actually change to a another completely different class...

Since: 05-23-02

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Posted on 05-23-02 01:01 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
From what I've seen of the other classes, it's sort of a balancing act.

You'll keep some of your skills, lose others, and gain new ones.

For instance, Swordsman > Knight
You'd probably lose 1HS Mastery, but keep 2HS Mastery and gain Lance Mastery.

Just what I've read on the subject, I could be completely off.

Since: 03-16-02

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Posted on 05-23-02 03:12 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
The Big thing to watch out for is that it was announced at one time that all skills you kept would be set back to 0.... so like wizards would have to reinvest in SP regen again. But well from what i've heard from people in beta2, this is not the case... yet.

Since: 05-25-02
From: Canada

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Posted on 05-26-02 10:35 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
remember your characters wont be transfered to the new sakray server from what ive heard at the moment. everyone will have to start fresh so....... ugh

I shall not be denied.

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 05-27-02 01:07 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
ParA, this is your warning, please don't spamming.

(edited by Sasami on 05-26-02 08:10 PM)

Since: 05-25-02
From: Canada

Since last post: 7817 days
Last activity: 8073 days
Posted on 05-27-02 01:15 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
two things....... im not spamming im just posting alot...... second it should be please don't spam not spamming.

I shall not be denied.

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 05-27-02 01:19 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
I consider some of what you are saying completly pointless, which is spam. And another thing that leads me to know you are spamming is that you are opening up all the threads you can in multiple windows then replying to each one in turn with whatever you can. How do I know this? Notice I changed it to "spamming" from "spam" at :10, you then posted at :15 that it was still "spam" meaning you had the window open for 5 minutes before posting, and making your argument completly pointless.

Since: 05-25-02
From: Canada

Since last post: 7817 days
Last activity: 8073 days
Posted on 05-27-02 01:22 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
but you cannot prove that i am opening multiple windows can you? maybe i type fast at a incrediably fast rate? you cannot base your evidence on opinion

besides i thought you would believe in the freedom of speech in your constitution.

I shall not be denied.

(edited by ParA on 05-26-02 08:24 PM)

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7620 days
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Posted on 05-27-02 01:24 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by ParA
but you cannot prove that i am opening multiple windows can you? maybe i type fast at a incrediably fast rate? you cannot base your evidence on opinion

if you type at an incredibly fast rate, it wouldn't take you 5 minutes to make a post... and you even opened up another thread on this when it is being discussed here, whats the point in making multiple threads over 1 conversation, that is spam, and I will ban you if you keep it up, i'm not arguing anymore.

[edit] some of what you are posting is spam, not all of it, i'm sure you can figure out which posts would be consideres spam.

(edited by Sasami on 05-26-02 08:25 PM)

Since: 05-25-02
From: Canada

Since last post: 7817 days
Last activity: 8073 days
Posted on 05-27-02 01:30 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
i cannot control how a conversation heads on to. to be honest.. banning me just for posting alot, maybe my posts have been dry but it does not mean you have to warn me for 'spamming'. i have a right

[edit]erm i meant i have a right to make conversation even its dry. not spamming.....

and one more thing........ what am i exactly spamming?

nvm i figured it out lol......... i apoligize. made abit too many threads about skins and the program itself

I shall not be denied.

(edited by ParA on 05-26-02 08:31 PM)

(edited by ParA on 05-26-02 08:33 PM)

(edited by ParA on 05-26-02 08:43 PM)
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - blacksmith.... |
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