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01-14-25 02:26 AM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Other External Programs Discussion - Possibility of a Ragnarok Server Emulator |
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Since: 05-22-02
From: Vancouver, WA

Since last post: 7865 days
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Posted on 06-02-02 11:14 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
What do you people believe the about the possibility of a Ragnarok Server Emulator that would allow you to play offline or over a lan. Would it be very difficult to create? How much resources would that even take? I know servers are lasy as hell and dont actually do much except tell the game to start. I believe RO servers are a little more intricate than that but they cant possibly take that much more. if any of you know of any projects that are doing this or if you think this is an idea worth entertaining could you please reply. I'm really intersted in seeing you peoples responses (especially Sasami's) to the suggestion .

"Everytime I think People get as dumb as possibly their idiots scientist come up with new ways of being stupid" - Gabriel (


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
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Posted on 06-02-02 11:56 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
well...its been done for, especially with w3
but to pull this off, the server(s) need to have all maps, be able to move characters between them, calc movements and actions, generate the enemies, etc... not easy stuff. w3 is just a relatively short game; the world disappears when the game is done. mmorpg.. this will always be up and running
honestly, i dont' know what i'm saying, i'm just babbling. to watch the laker game

Loki: DaiSHi, H.O.L.Y.Merchant, Robbin'Hood
47/34 swordman, OC merc, 37/27 Thief

Since: 05-22-02
From: Vancouver, WA

Since last post: 7865 days
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Posted on 06-03-02 12:12 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Im not sure if it'd be too hard I'm actually thinking about maybe doing it myself. But that would be extremely difficult for e especialy since I have NO programing experience whatsoever except for Minor amounts of VB6 I think i might have Visual C++ 6.0 but im not sure. Id basicly have to learn the language then figure out WTF i have to do in order to get it to work. I'd probably have to come up with like a mini prog that will work as a login server and add a server to the server list (either that or just make it so it acts as the login server and then pretends its chaos) . Once I've gotten that far I would have no idea what at all as to what I'm doing because I dont know what things I'd have to send to the client. I think it'd bea fun project but not a fun FIRST time project. Maybe i'll start learning with a much simpler much easier program (can you say hello wolrd) . Yeah I think I'll jsut leave this one to soemone who know what they're doing. Now if that person needs a site for the project I'd gladly do that for them :-) .

"Everytime I think People get as dumb as possibly their idiots scientist come up with new ways of being stupid" - Gabriel (

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
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Posted on 06-03-02 05:15 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
It's doable, but a lot harder then you would think. Reverse engineering then recoding something from scratch isn't easy.

Since: 05-22-02
From: Vancouver, WA

Since last post: 7865 days
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Posted on 06-03-02 08:27 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
MMm well, I suppose your right. If I did decide to take the project upon myself could any of you offer some assistance? As I said before my experience is very minimal with visual c++ (it turns out the latest version, that ive learned of is 4.0 thus adding to my feeling of stupidity) . I do need a starting project as I tend to gain alot of experience by jumping straight into things and this would diffintly be a Project, as difficult as it probably will be. I probably wouldn't even be able to start on it till a month or 2. I'm not sure how fast I can learn C++ but i am willing to study it day and most of the night and I diffintly have the time. Not only taht I'm sure there is more to learn besides straight programming. Since I'm an elementary school staff assistant and don't work summer. For this specific project what kind of Knowledge do you believe wold be usefull? and which would be easier to emulate an alpha server or beta server? (I'm assuming alpha) Wow now that I look at it it seems to be a very overwhelming project for a scipt kiddy like me. But I think with enough dedication I can manage.

Edit: Wel take make matters worse It turns out I'm wrong again after spending a day and a half download what I assumed was vc 4.0 it turned out to be embedded VCC 4.0 and I do infact have the latest version alreayd on a cd along with the rest of visual studio. :-/

"Everytime I think People get as dumb as possibly their idiots scientist come up with new ways of being stupid" - Gabriel (

(edited by milkrock on 06-04-02 03:20 AM)

Since: 04-26-02
From: USA, NJ

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Posted on 06-03-02 02:46 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
The hardest part is reverse engineering the client and figureing out every single bit of information that it understands (as far as what is sent and recieved by it). The next step is the server...which in this case you will basically have to create a MUD from scratch. (IE. Monsters and their actions, spell info, character info, skill info, literal and virtual locations, etc.). Of corse, you could take shortcuts here, but either way it would be extreamly hard to duplicate exactly how ragnarok works. Honestly it would be easier to create your own MMORPG from scratch, which is what I'm doing .

Just to add to this, alpha would definately be harder...seeing as there's not really a way to test what kind of information needs to be sent and recieved.


(edited by pragma7 on 06-03-02 09:49 AM)

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 06-03-02 07:48 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
ACTUALLY, it wouldn't really be that hard in the respect that it would be impossible to make it perfect, so you would just have to guess everywhere. All you really have to do is capture all the ingoing and outgoing packets of the server, then write functions for whenever one is recieved, do the appropriate thing to the server database, send back out the correct packet and stuff. It really wouldn't be that hard, but it would be near impossible to make everything the same, like dodge %s and stuff, b/c noone knows the real formula.

Since: 06-04-02
From: Washington

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Posted on 06-04-02 03:12 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
(unless I skipped by someone else saying this) wouldn't you also have to somehow trick the exe into thinking it's connected to the right ip's?

Since: 05-22-02
From: Vancouver, WA

Since last post: 7865 days
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Posted on 06-04-02 03:34 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
If its just over lan or on one computer you don't need to trick the client because you can make the computer have any (valid) IP address you want and create an open port. I know that much about networking as I've done it before. But I'm not sure if you can have an open port and access it on the same computer. This would be no problem on a lan with multiple computers but for a person playing by her/himself this could be an issue. As for difficulty I think what Sasami is saying makes the most sense. I don't necessarily have to make the server exactly the same. Being on a much smaller scale it may be a good idea to change some of those percentages so the game is easier/harder (I don't know what I would want to do in comparison to the original server) .The newest part of this experince for me would be the random creature generating / maintaining and the dropping items and the database management. So basicly .... almost everything. ^.^;; From what I'm getting here i'm thinkingthat what I have to do is find / monitor packet imformation, have the client connect to my program and not the real server, create required responses and random generators so that the game will be playable and do more than just "work" . Although It'd be entertaining to see what the game would be like if the server didnt interact at all except for the login and movement :-) . There is alot of documented packet info. Expect an Alpha server emulator sometime in late august or september from me. If you need / want one sooner than that I suggest you find someone with alot more experience and 1/2 of a brain as I feel that my 1/3 might not cut it.

"Everytime I think People get as dumb as possibly their idiots scientist come up with new ways of being stupid" - Gabriel (

Since: 06-04-02
From: Washington

Since last post: 8162 days
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Posted on 06-04-02 03:57 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
True, I've connected to myself... I don't remember how or why though...

Speaking of which, I'm not to versed with the whold packet stuff and ports etc. Is their a way to dissconnect a port. Lets say you ran netstat and wanted to dissconnect some suspicious ports...

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 06-04-02 04:10 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
a software firewall can accomplish that, but there are other ways

it's not hard to edit the exe appropriatly to change the IPS it's connecting to, but you could also as you said spoof the IPs on a lan. Now that I'm thinking about it... it wouldn't really be that hard to make my your own ragnarok server and put it online, but damn, bandwidth is always a problem
but heck, if the alpha server even went back up for a short ammount of time, I would record all the information and make myself an alpha server, I am just too nostalgic for it! hm... alpha server... not a bad idea...

Since: 05-22-02
From: Vancouver, WA

Since last post: 7865 days
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Posted on 06-04-02 08:22 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
well Sasami if you make it I can host it. As long as not too many people link to the file itself (I'll set it up to link onyl from my servers IP and yours but there are tricks :-/ ) So if you have plans give me a ringy ringy.

"Everytime I think People get as dumb as possibly their idiots scientist come up with new ways of being stupid" - Gabriel (

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 06-04-02 08:54 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Well, I mean I could host it on mine too, but it eats up bandwidth like you wouldn't imagine. if you don't have to pay per gig, then cool.

[edit] oh yeah, thansk for getting me inspired to possibly do this.

(edited by Sasami on 06-04-02 03:54 AM)


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 06-04-02 09:03 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
i would love to see a project like this happen. too bad i don't have the knowledge to contribute in any way, except for maybe verbal support. for sure any hacks/exploits would be quickly dealt with, unlike *ahem* grav..

Loki: DaiSHi, H.O.L.Y.Merchant, Robbin'Hood
47/34 swordman, OC merc, 37/27 Thief

Since: 05-22-02
From: Vancouver, WA

Since last post: 7865 days
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Posted on 06-04-02 10:30 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Liek ive said in the other section project page will be up on the 6th Sasami I have unlimited bandwidth as long as I don't abuse it too much. This does mean im gonna have to ask my hostee to move to a new site. Well msot of my hostees but they won't mind. We'll see if bandwidth gets out of control or nto but I dont think it will seeing as how the blizzard server is only 600k SO Im guessing this one will be quite a bit more but still not exceeding around say 5 - 6 megs? I don't know. We might even be able to swipe the source off of that one and covnert it to our needs.

"Everytime I think People get as dumb as possibly their idiots scientist come up with new ways of being stupid" - Gabriel (
Brother Shem

Since: 04-04-03

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Posted on 04-04-03 09:29 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
could someone tell me how i could run ragnarok offline by muself only on my comp, so i'm the only one playing. Is there a way? i would like to know if there is, please and thank you

Since: 04-03-03
From: USA

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Posted on 04-05-03 11:14 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
you will need to create a server, then you can connect to it and play, we only got the client program thats why we can't play on our own pc.

i found out more about it already, i have gotten a lot of information, the only thing is i have no idea how to use Microsoft SQL

Since: 06-24-02
From: I'm not paranoid...
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Posted on 04-14-03 01:57 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Isn't the AEGIS code out there with all the information of RO? It seems buggy from what I've read in the readme, but it should work a bit and give you a good starting point. Is this the thing that requires mySQL which I also have no clue what it is.

Since: 05-10-02
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Posted on 04-15-03 02:28 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Aegis requires MS SQL server. Not only that, I've heard that it's a beast (many server computers would have trouble running it)...but it's the closest thing you can get to iRO.

I believe there's a fine line between dreams and reality.

Since: 04-15-03

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Posted on 04-15-03 05:25 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
arent there already private RO servers out there? i think there are because i was playing one yesterday... though it seems to be going through a debugging today
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Other External Programs Discussion - Possibility of a Ragnarok Server Emulator |
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