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07-27-24 04:58 AM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Cmon people dunt give up easily..... |
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Since: 05-25-02
From: Canada

Since last post: 7646 days
Last activity: 7902 days
Posted on 06-10-02 03:53 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
man, where's the spirit? where is the life force within you? who said the battle was going to be easy?? quitting is the easy way out. "i give up! i quit!" thats not how everything ends. its a fight to the finish! AHHHHHHHHH lol

Withdrawl from forum boards is imminent. It is my final answer.


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 06-10-02 07:51 AMQuote | Edit | Delete'll be awhile before i quit, unless grav bans me again... i keep playing for my party members.. i hate the lack of attention by grav to my emails and others's pleas. they do almost nothing about bots and let them run free in yoyo... i just started my puncholyte... hope it goes well... however, i do understand if anyone wants to quit... sometimes people can only take so much crap. everyone has a breaking point.. where we draw the line...

Loki: DaiSHi 48/35 swordman, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC, Robbin'Hood 37/27 Thief, HOLYFistsOfFury 10/1 Puncholyte
10465 exp and counting... || good luck to everyone who has finals
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina

Since: 04-09-02
From: Somewhere

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Posted on 06-10-02 09:06 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
I feel it's time for my beta break. Yes, like I had done in Alpha, so must Beta be set aside for a bit. I just gotta make sure I'll have something to do with the time that I'd normally use to play RO before I take my break.


Since: 05-25-02
From: Canada

Since last post: 7646 days
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Posted on 06-10-02 12:43 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
man........ no sense of determination. where you draw the line is irrelevent to gravity. you know they don't care. if you quit, like they care. they know that a few other thousand players will be playing.

btw...... why did gravity ban you in the first place?

Withdrawl from forum boards is imminent. It is my final answer.

(edited by ParA on 06-10-02 07:50 AM)

Since: 05-30-02
From: Winnipeg representing the two-0-four

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Posted on 06-10-02 01:05 PMQuote | Edit | Delete

just remember that this is still a game...
u are not really u...
u are not awake...
just remember that this is still a game...

i will die but i will take u down with me....muhahahahha


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 06-10-02 06:45 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by ParA
btw...... why did gravity ban you in the first place?

if they bothered to respond to my email... i would have an answer...
it could have been because they mistaked me for daish...
it could have been because i had multiple accounts under the same email (my mistake, i won't do that again)

so i lost 3 accounts and took a little break...
but now i'm back playing as much as i have been... and my new puncholyte has gotten me excited...

Loki: DaiSHi 48/35 swordman, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC, Robbin'Hood 37/27 Thief, HOLYFistsOfFury 16/10 Puncholyte
10750 exp and counting... || good luck to everyone who has finals
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina

Since: 05-25-02
From: Canada

Since last post: 7646 days
Last activity: 7902 days
Posted on 06-10-02 08:32 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by DaiSHi

if they bothered to respond to my email... i would have an answer...
it could have been because they mistaked me for daish...
it could have been because i had multiple accounts under the same email (my mistake, i won't do that again)

so i lost 3 accounts and took a little break...
but now i'm back playing as much as i have been... and my new puncholyte has gotten me excited...

thats the spirit but i feel your pain about losing so many accounts. did you try posting on the FreeBBS boards? englishgm does reply once in awhile if you spam enough

Withdrawl from forum boards is imminent. It is my final answer.

Since: 05-10-02
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7498 days
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Posted on 06-10-02 08:33 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
To stay interested in ragnarok (keep your spirit against all odds):

1) If someone loots a verit card, just hope the next verit you kill has another one. I don't think complaining to gravity will get your card back...

2) Find other party members that are friendly and helpful. Develop a competition.

3) Don't plan on leaving till you take out a chosen boss. Baphomet, Osiris, etc.

4) Develop a goal. I think I'll become lvl 30 before I choose whether to leave or not.

5) Plan for the future. I figured out what places should be better hunting grounds. The next day, I went over to see if my theory was right.

RO is a neat game cause you don't really know what will happen. Will the looters go away, will you find a party, will you lvl up tomorrow? But...

If you don't wanna be interested in RO, it's up to you. Remember, it's only a game. Someday, better ones will come along. But if you feel that your time isn't up yet (like me), then these tips may help. G'luck.

Light Hawk and Antoni Serang. Who has what job?


Since: 04-16-02
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 06-10-02 08:39 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
I think a lot of people get dishearted when Gravity "promise" to do a lot of things.. also.. it seems that they have more "interest" in kRO and jRO instead of eRO... aren't we all the same "beta" testing? the only different is Sakuray -sp?- which is the 1st line of test of ANY new items... but so far all the fixes are in for other server while eRO is just fill with bugs that other server already have fix for..

that is what bring moral down.... they have made promises, they know their errors, they know of the bugs, but... they just chose NOT to fix for eRO... some of us (like sasami) actually Beta test the game and reports bug... at least that is what I do.. but I make sure I don't send the same bugs I found.. that is what Beta is all about...

I beginning to feel this is more like "free trial" and the "real version" will be release with the same "errors" in them...


Your Local Merchant on Chaos/Loki


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 06-10-02 09:21 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by ParA
thats the spirit but i feel your pain about losing so many accounts. did you try posting on the FreeBBS boards? englishgm does reply once in awhile if you spam enough

well..i'm too lazy now... i don't play on chaos anymore anyways... i'm just focusing on loki...

Loki: DaiSHi 48/35 swordman, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC, Robbin'Hood 37/27 Thief, HOLYFistsOfFury 16/10 Puncholyte
11103 exp and counting... || good luck to everyone who has finals
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina


Since: 04-16-02
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 06-10-02 09:36 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
I still play on Chaos kinda... been playing other games lately and of course finals are coming up


Your Local Merchant on Chaos/Loki

Since: 05-25-02
From: Canada

Since last post: 7646 days
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Posted on 06-10-02 11:53 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
ne wayz im outta here....... gl...... no point for me to stay.

Withdrawl from forum boards is imminent. It is my final answer.

Since: 06-06-02
From: errr?

Since last post: 8072 days
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Posted on 06-11-02 07:20 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
i gave up after i returned to still see bots running around rampant. i hope this isnt how the game is gonna be when pay for play comes out. and to all you people still playing RO, good luck and have fun.


Since: 06-06-02

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Posted on 06-11-02 07:25 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by kup0
i gave up after i returned to still see bots running around rampant. i hope this isnt how the game is gonna be when pay for play comes out. and to all you people still playing RO, good luck and have fun.

Apparently they are collecting some sort of payments for beta2 and bots was already seen running around in there.
Beta2 is supposed to be on testing, all the features in there will be placed on the korean server when it goes pay-to-play.
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Cmon people dunt give up easily..... |
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