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02-11-25 09:05 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Does anyone want to help *ME* write an (MMO)RPG? :) |
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Since: 05-03-02
From: Vancouver
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 8113 days
Last activity: 8043 days
Posted on 06-11-02 09:47 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Recently, I haven't coded anything since a game I made back in college (2 years ago), Skies of Fire:, and I've lately had a hankering for some personal coding lately

Now, this isn't some small project, and quite frankly I may need some experienced coders to help me write some stuff for it too

Basically, I have 2 ideas in mind. If you check out the link to my game, you'll see it's very unfinished (and it doesn't work on 50% of the computers because of some back buffer full screen blitting problem =/). So my first game I want to make is a totally new upgraded version of Skies of Fire but with tons of new graphics, stages, and multiplayer fun over the network
My 2nd plan is a multiplayerable version of ogre battle. If you don't know about ogre battle, then maybe final fantasy tactics might ring a bell. I may also might want to make this massively multiplayer-able, but not the kind that allows 4000 users online simultaneously, I mean the kind where someone sets up a server, and 20 people enter the game and play on that guys machine for a couple of weeks or so. (the idea is still in the works)

But those ideas aside, and although I'm fully capable of doing it myself, I was wondering if anyone's interested in helping me write the game library code

Basically, the game engine code, which any game I make in the future can run on, will be composed up of 7 different libraries which will not rely on any 3rd party libraries except for the DirectX SDK:
-Audio : (loads/plays MP3 and WAV files)
-Video : (for now, it will just display 2D objects but use 3D rendering for improved performance over old-school bit blitting )
-Input : (uses keyboard/mouse/joystick)
-Interface : (library of game objects like buttons, images, toolbars, lists, etc... basically window objects converted into something directx and games can use/display)
-Loader : (loads game data)
-Network : (simply starts/connects to servers and sends data, so 4 methods max hopefully )
-Common : (generic classes such as timers, templates, file I/O, ini files, registry, threads/processes, etc...)

Now, I've worked at a game company for 2 years already, and have personally coded most, but not all, of the Loader, Interface, Common and Input libraries. Although to not infringe on my companies copyright, I'm rewriting most of it to be my own code
I will also be reusing and upgrading original SOF code which is mostly the Audio and a small bit of the video.

So, this is where interested programmers come in. The following are assets I'm looking for in additional programmers that'd like to help me out.
Audio : knowledge in DirectSound, Audio Streaming programming and MP3 decoding/playback (preferably streaming mp3 knowledge)
Video : knowledge in Direct3D, creating/detecting video modes using nothing but DirectX routines (no talking to windows API), low-level rendering pipeline, loading textures which are either raw data, BMPs, GIFs, JPGs, or TGAs (TGA knowledge is a plus ). Knowledge of matrix transformations won't be necessary because it'll mostly be 2D stuff... unless someone's interested in writing 3D API for it
Input : knowledge in DirectInput for joystick controllers. I'm currently doing the mouse and keyboard myself at the moment
Interface : This is mainly what I'm doing at work right now, so I probably won't be asking much help in this category unless you're willing to learn a lot about how game objects are created/used in games
Loader : A game EXE without the loader has ZERO content in it. To make a game easy to change and edit, a loader is used. The coding is mostly matching data in a file to objects that go on the screen as well as matching actions to a game subsystem library. Not that hard, but not necessary usually 'til the end
Network : I've never written network code before, so anyone with knowledge in Winsock.h, or DirectPlay (maybe) should be interested. Also, my co-worker says that so that a game doesn't freeze while data is being transferred, it must be self-contained in it's own seperate thread, so thread knowledge is recommended
Common : Generic programmers who know how to write semi-useless objects can be a part of this

now I bet writing all this code could take anywhere between a month (dedicated programmers) and 4-6 months (we're all lazy about it ). But the rewards pay off because once it's done and you start writing the SubSystem library (game code), the game data and art, the game's all fun from there

If you are in any way interested in this project, just reply to this thread. Since I haven't player RO in a while, I just might change my homepage back into a programming webpage like it first was a long time ago
You can also PM me, or for even faster and more reliable response, send an email to

now, don't get me wrong though. I don't want people applying saying "I got a good idea for a game" or "I don't know how to program but I can learn" or "I got some game ideas", just useful programmers are all I'm looking for
BUT!!! if you're interested in making the art for the game down the road, I probably won't mind people interested in making concept-art and potentially in-game art

BTW, I should've mentioned this in the beginning, but C++ PROGRAMMERS ONLY!!!

Since: 03-26-02
From: Texas, U.S.A

Since last post: 8281 days
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Posted on 06-11-02 03:25 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
MMORPG is a big step my friend and I are still fleshing out the "concept" on a single player "console" base game. I have a console programmer (she programs in xbox and playstation stuff) so will help out some probably be a while before we can tackle something of that magnitude.

Your Wacky local merchant and mage

Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

Since last post: 8270 days
Last activity: 8258 days
Posted on 06-11-02 11:42 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
You're idea seems very good and I agree with most of your points.
I would like to support it more but unfortunately most of my programing skills go around C and only a bit in C++.
This summer im planning to study a bit more and buy some books about game programming and direct X (<-zero experience here ), maybe iĀ“ll have more experience in a few months.
Besides that, I have two months of exams to make. @_@
good luck though, and dont give up!

Do you want to be my friend? ...


Since: 05-03-02
From: Vancouver
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 06-15-02 11:32 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Does anyone else want to give a semi-open source development a shot?

It looks like I got a couple people already, but if anyone would like to contribute that would be good, even if they only want to do a couple things

Also, if anyone knows audio programming (mainly MP3 decoding) or network communications programming (sending packets via LAN or Internet) that would be even better

Since: 05-28-02
From: Chicago, USA

Since last post: 8273 days
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Posted on 06-19-02 02:24 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
im somewhat experienced in network programming with winsock.. ive never used threads before, but i do know how to use them basically.. i got it all in a book somewhere =P. dont reply to me here since i dont read forums that much. email me at


Since: 07-15-02
From: Brisbane Australia

Since last post: 8213 days
Last activity: 8247 days
Posted on 07-15-02 03:28 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
My tool of the trade is 3Dsmax.
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Does anyone want to help *ME* write an (MMO)RPG? :) |
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