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01-14-25 02:19 AM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Good Bye |
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Since: 05-25-02
From: Canada

Since last post: 7817 days
Last activity: 8073 days
Posted on 06-17-02 01:24 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Hello Sasami and observers,

I'm sorry to hear that you've totally decided to disconnect yourself from Ragnarok. It is a shame but let me clarify something.

I know and understand what you mean by how the EXP viewer does not to be a cheat or a hack but it is a third party program that does not impair with the game itself. Whethertheless, if Gravity were to allow this EXP viewer to be available to RO players, it would contridict the fact that Gravity is against ALL third party programs. Thus, it would seem that Gravity would promote the use of third party programs developed either by Arsenic or even you Sasami.

However, just because there is hacking and I know you feel that there is an injustice in the community where you've received feedback from Gravity that they feel unsure about your EXP viewer. You feel that "hey my program doesn't do anything wrong but why wouldn't you guys prevent the bots?" I feel the same way you do too but this is just giving up and saying BOTS have won the battle. You shouldn't feel that way. I can see that you're talented in programming and designing programs for Ragnarok but you are now putting it to waste. Maybe someday you could've designed a permenant solution to bots? I don't know the extend of your capabilities. But you shouldn't just quit because of this. Justice and revenge tastes sweeter with patience. You know that justice will be served but the question is when?? I hope when Beta 2 comes and if you decide to come back.


Contact me at and look in the forums for me.

P.S. Please do not respond to this thread UNLESS you have something to comment about this.

Withdrawl from forum boards is imminent. It is my final answer.
Arc Roacheford

Since: 06-16-02
From: Sylvestra

Since last post: 8211 days
Last activity: 8211 days
Posted on 06-17-02 02:18 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
I hope and pray for the day we can play with no bots if my dream come true I'll very please.

Thank you

Arc Roacheford
(Dark Lucifer The Wizard of Dark Elament)

End of the dark one will return peace to the world

Since: 05-08-02
From: Michigan

Since last post: 8241 days
Last activity: 8241 days
Posted on 06-20-02 08:43 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
One way to get rid of or at the very least limit bots that's been mentioned a few times already would be to encrypt the login info. Sure, it'd be in the client, and it would eventually be cracked, but if they change the encryption with each new patch then there would definitely be alot less bots. Of course, Gravity doesn't want to do this (or anything else people have mentioned to them that would work) so why bother trying to think of some way to do it when Gravity is just going to continue to ignore the bot problem?

In other words, it's not that Gravity doesn't know how to combat bots, it's just that they refuse to for whatever reason. As far as I know they've never made it clear why they aren't doing anything about bots, from what I understand all they've said are vague statements like "We can't/won't do anything about it at this time" or "We're working on it", niether of which give any real info.


Member of Prontera Parish

Since: 05-03-02
From: Illinois, USA

Since last post: 8176 days
Last activity: 8168 days
Posted on 06-20-02 11:59 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
The bots is cloggin up teh character select. I barely went to character select for these past 2 days.

Since: 05-08-02
From: Michigan

Since last post: 8241 days
Last activity: 8241 days
Posted on 06-22-02 05:54 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Bots are clogging up the server period.....last night the Culvert was so bad even the monsters were lagged, Thief Bugs were jumping around the screen like mad going after different bits of loot but rarely picking it up, half the time I could pick the stuff up faster than they could. That and the aggro targeting was all screwed up, you could literally run circles around greenies or bats and they'd either just sit there or jump around in circles after you.


Member of Prontera Parish
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