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01-14-25 03:10 AM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Info on Beta2/Reposting from FreeBBS |
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Since: 05-17-02

Since last post: 8194 days
Last activity: 7879 days
Posted on 06-23-02 07:17 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
To every players in the International service Hello this is English Game Master of yours.
I apologise that I've never had much time to take care of you guys for these few days.
And I also apologise toward offenders on BBS and Email senders at
As a matter of fact I've been stayed up in the office for few days for sidejob of mine.
Now I recognise some of you guys know we've contrated with some Asian Companies to distribute servers and let them operate Ragnarok by themselves,in their own tongue for good.
We are really busy and don't have much time to take rest all of us,Exactly not only for the Beta 2 preparation but for Abroad Business.
Also me,have to translate korean descriptions into English one for those Asian Companies.
They need all the informations in English rather than in korean due to Korean Language's rarity.
Kinda burden for oneself to handle every issues in this Huge community and besides sidejob,
but not only me,so does all Crews in Gravity now.
I know your limit of patience was ended up long times ago and Fully undestand that all of you've been exremely frustrated regarding most of things in current Ragnarok.
So do I,So does Gravity.
But don't say that we've lied to you for our own good.
We've never lied to you or abandoned you but we've needed some time to achieve our goals.
Constructive and positive attitude of you make us stronger.
Only we need to you is your warm-hearted support.

Thank you.
Gravity Corp.
Posted by Gravity on the freeBBS


The relevance I am attaching to this reposting/thread is that I take this to mean that EnglishGM herself is doing all the translating into English. (not only in fact for Ebeta, but so JBeta can translate it as well.)

Previously, I personally had been unaware of this information. This would also explain a good deal of things about the Ebeta. I urge those who would harras EnglishGM to let her get on with her work and complete translation of Beta2 for us. Lets provide EnglishGM with the warm-hearted support she needs. (and maybe the grammar and spelling corrections she might need as well when she's finished translating).

(edited by Sironin on 06-23-02 02:27 AM)
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Info on Beta2/Reposting from FreeBBS |
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