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07-27-24 09:44 AM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Exp Viewer Discussion - NEW Experience Viewer for Ragnarok! |
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Since: 06-24-02
From: I'm not paranoid...
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 08-04-02 01:37 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Hmm, it'd take a little more programming and I'm probably asking too much and beta2 is already down but... could you put in a "death rate" factor to see if the person is actually gaining anything and a logger just for "high scores". I know I've killed over 500 elder willows searching for their card and Mstaff (when my friend hasn't nearly killed as many but got 2 cards).


Since: 04-16-02
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Posted on 08-04-02 09:55 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
I think it is just a "luck of a draw" random chance of getting anything.. sometimes people get good stuff.. but some get none at all

It would be nice to have "check how much you killed" and raise the "chances" like some things in UO (I cannot remember what) but still have a small chance.. but a better chance ^^;;


Your Local Merchant on Chaos/Loki

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
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Posted on 08-04-02 10:59 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
counting the number of kills wouldnt be hard for him to add, but sorting it by monster would take a lot more work


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 08-05-02 12:52 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
ah, the days seeing how many fallen one and succubi i killed in diablo 1... seeing kills is fun. that way i'll know how many mandra's i've killed and can complain about the number.... until i get that 4lc... =Þ

Loki: DaiSHi 49/38 future knight, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC
26802 exp and counting...
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina
current anime: cowboy bebop
next anime : hack.sign
past anime : fushigi yuugi

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

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Posted on 08-12-02 10:11 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
hey jampstamp, what is your program written in? (VB, C++...?)

i may be abel to help with the counting and sorting of kills, and i can also help coding the idea of the logger that tells your exp/hr. it would would be simple but usefull.

Kneo: lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon: lvl 21/20 archer

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 08-12-02 10:43 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
The counting and sorting of kills would take a lot more work, let me explain why.
This is my understanding of how the ragnarok system works. (This is very accurate, but not 100% accurate).
As a PC or NPC enters your screen, you immediatly recieve certain pieces of information about them including skin and ID#. After that, your computer keeps track of those pieces of information. When your mouse is moved over the PC or NPC you get some more info like the name, guild, etc, through a packet. All that is sent when you start attacking a character is the ID#, and when it is killed, all you get back is the ID# of the monster that was killed, and how much exp you get. Now, to make what you are talking about would require the program to constantly sniff the exe or packets and wait for an id packet to pass by, and figure out what type of monster it is according to skin (or wait till the mouse is moved over it and the attack packet is sent so you get the name). So finally, when the monster is killed and you recieve the exp, you could tick off another number under that monster. Lets say you where fighting porings, you did 1hp of damage to it while someone else did the rest, you would recieve 0/0 exp, but still killed it, so figuring out monsters according to exp recieved wouldnt work (especially if you kill things with other people.) Exp/hr. isn't hard on the other hand, thats just a matter of adding 2 variables to keep track of the exp you started with, and the time it started logging. Then you just do a (CurrentExp-StartExp) / (CurentTime-StartTime)/1000/60/60 (Times are usually held in milliseconds ina DWORD). There are other ways to do it to count actual exp in the last hour and such, but that is just an example of one way. I'm sure the author could easily do that. And as another note, the programming language really doesn't matter if you are using someone elses code, it's not that hard to figure out what to add based upon looking at the syntax of how they did it and the variable names etc, then just adding in whatever... If you know one language, you know them all. It's all really the thought process and just copying the syntax from a source, filling in the variables, until you have it memorized.

[edit] I should have explained also that the exp numbers are held in a static position of the exe because it is a global variable, while monsters, IDs, etc, are all held on the stack and are dynamic.

(edited by Sasami on 08-12-02 05:52 PM)

Since: 06-28-02
From: Finland

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Posted on 11-04-02 04:11 PMQuote | Edit | Delete

Yeah as you can see from my page, I have stopped developing evro... atleast until Ragnarok English servers are up again. If anyone wants the sourcecode (coded with Visual Basic... 6 maybe), umm come to my page and leave me a message. Thanks.

Since: 06-05-02
From: NW ITaly (EU)

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Posted on 12-17-02 10:56 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
..... Evro ..... is wanted !!



Since: 05-07-03

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Posted on 05-07-03 11:52 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Any work planned for this new RO version that's come out 1.May ?

... please??
Black rose

Since: 09-10-03
From: Jakarta

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Posted on 09-10-03 12:52 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by Kelekin
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Exp Viewer Discussion - NEW Experience Viewer for Ragnarok! |
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