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02-11-25 10:18 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Well... |
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Master of Idiocy

Since: 05-07-02
From: Payon

Since last post: 8232 days
Last activity: 8232 days
Posted on 07-30-02 12:55 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
well, Sasami, i'm sorry for my past actions and acting like a complete dick. I know I have and i'm trying to improve... i'm going to be leaving apez, considering they are now completely unorganized, and in no way will I go to the gleek for many reasons.

anyways, i'd like a neutral enviroment where there is no childish fighting between two groups, it's childish. I think that your place, Sasami, is the most neutral "public" enviroment there is.

so anyways, hope you except me appology.
peace out.

I came,

I saw,

I shit.

Since: 03-16-02

Since last post: 7832 days
Last activity: 7800 days
Posted on 07-30-02 11:31 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
I don't know what you did in the past... but if you are going to apologize... at least change your sig to be alittle less offensive/crude.

Since: 04-09-02
From: Somewhere

Since last post: 8031 days
Last activity: 7783 days
Posted on 07-31-02 03:28 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
hehe That's very good, Osi...maybe now you'll get a better title.


Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7649 days
Last activity: 7649 days
Posted on 07-31-02 04:49 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
I gave that too him the day he joined i was ever wondering if he would comment on that.
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Well... |
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