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01-14-25 03:00 AM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Word Up Yo. |
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Since: 05-22-02
From: Vancouver, WA

Since last post: 7865 days
Last activity: 7865 days
Posted on 11-10-02 09:03 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
hello it's been a really really long time since I've posted. have any of you missed me? I'm really getting into the RO nostalgia now. Does anyone have a clue of what's actually going on with RO right now. I don't ahve any inside connections and none of the "Top" RO sites ahve any info on it. I heard a rumor that it would be back a couple of days before christmas though.

"Everytime I think People get as dumb as possibly their idiots scientist come up with new ways of being stupid" - Gabriel (


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7620 days
Last activity: 7620 days
Posted on 11-10-02 11:13 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by milkrock
hello it's been a really really long time since I've posted. have any of you missed me? I'm really getting into the RO nostalgia now. Does anyone have a clue of what's actually going on with RO right now. I don't ahve any inside connections and none of the "Top" RO sites ahve any info on it. I heard a rumor that it would be back a couple of days before christmas though.

welcome back. if there are any status or updates of RO, they'll be in the sticky at the top, and i haven't heard of any rumors.

Loki: DaiSHi 49/38 future knight, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC peekaboo

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7620 days
Last activity: 7620 days
Posted on 11-10-02 04:05 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
rumors are just that, rumors. the reason knowone knows anything is because gravity hasnt decided anything.

Since: 05-22-02
From: Vancouver, WA

Since last post: 7865 days
Last activity: 7865 days
Posted on 11-10-02 11:52 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
As I figured. The only Rumor I have heard taht turned otu to be true was that whole Christy / Rex thing. But that didn't even really concern the RO community in my opinion. It's good to see that you two still haunt the forums. So do you stil lget alot of posts around here?

"Everytime I think People get as dumb as possibly their idiots scientist come up with new ways of being stupid" - Gabriel (


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7620 days
Last activity: 7620 days
Posted on 11-11-02 02:10 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by milkrock
As I figured. The only Rumor I have heard taht turned otu to be true was that whole Christy / Rex thing. But that didn't even really concern the RO community in my opinion. It's good to see that you two still haunt the forums. So do you stil lget alot of posts around here?

not a lot, few a day. but i'm always on a computer so i check often.

Loki: DaiSHi 49/38 future knight, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC peekaboo

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7620 days
Last activity: 7620 days
Posted on 11-11-02 02:29 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
dedicated mods are hard to come by, thanks daishi
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Word Up Yo. |
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