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12-08-24 02:14 AM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Multiple Instances |
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The Raven

Since: 04-22-02

Since last post: 8189 days
Last activity: 8206 days
Posted on 05-01-02 12:40 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Hey, I've been trying to allow multiple instances of RO, but it wasn't successfull.
I looked at the code under the FindWindowA and changed the jump, but it didn't work.

Do you know why it didn't work and how to make it work?

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 05-01-02 01:58 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
erm... yeah i know how to make it work lol that one took me about a week off and on of looking to figure out. It was annoying, couldn't find the right spot. I guess i could send you a program that only worked for this patch... but i don't really want to release a full public version b/c i do kind of consider it cheating.
The Raven

Since: 04-22-02

Since last post: 8189 days
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Posted on 05-01-02 05:45 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Ok, thanks anyway. I figured it out...

Since: 04-12-02
From: Qc, Can

Since last post: 7696 days
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Posted on 05-01-02 09:40 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
You need to patch at 2 different places, it's not hard.

Arse Kit v2.0 is out by the way, and it includes it.
The Raven

Since: 04-22-02

Since last post: 8189 days
Last activity: 8206 days
Posted on 05-04-02 11:23 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Yea, thanks for the new version.

I didn't know the anti-disconnect was THAT easy, lol.
Didn't know it was client-side.

Since: 04-23-02

Since last post: 8253 days
Last activity: 8261 days
Posted on 05-04-02 02:32 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by The Raven
Hey, I've been trying to allow multiple instances of RO, but it wasn't successfull.
I looked at the code under the FindWindowA and changed the jump, but it didn't work.

Do you know why it didn't work and how to make it work?

try putting a breakepoint on CreateMutex instead.
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Multiple Instances |
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