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01-14-25 03:49 AM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - hi sasami, nice skills! |
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Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

Since last post: 8241 days
Last activity: 8230 days
Posted on 05-01-02 10:36 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
seems like i'm new to this forum, anyway, i've been playing ro for quite some time and I must say it's a pleasure to meet someone like you with such great skills on programing and will to discover new things.
hmm, anyway, I prefered this forum because we can talk abit of what's going on Ragnarok and at the same time about other programing issues, which I doubt I could do on some other ro forums without being put a giant 'hacker' label on top. *sigh* -__-;
iĀ“ve got two semesters worth of C and C++, right now i'm learning Linux and Sql stuff besides other small interesting stuff on my own (hehe).
sorry for any typos, english is not my native language.

btw, is there anyway of taking "clear" ingame shots of ragnarok? the jpg compression makes them look so ugly.
I also saw some ro sprites (characters) which seemed very clear on some forums,
im guessing they were taken from the .spr files, but I dont have any propper viewer/translator for this type of files.


Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7620 days
Last activity: 7620 days
Posted on 05-01-02 10:56 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
mmm, i've just aquired them over time, i've been programming for a LOOOONG time hehe i am just a very curious person and when i see something I don't know how to do I tackle it and figure it out. Figurtriing something out without help is usually fun for me, I like puzzles I taught myself everything I know about computers by trial and error and testing.
The main reason I opened this forum is so anything in general can be said without censorship as long as it isn't extremly inappropriate. Pak0 is way too... constricting and I figured if I mod this myself, my words can't be deleted when I feel something needs to be said. I havn't had a reason to delete any ones post here yet, and I doubt I ever will. If ever, it will be extremly rare.

Ok, some simple graphics editing stuff i'll point out to you quick to get you started on the right path, windows APIs. They're great you'll need these ones...
findwindow - find the hwnd (its like the windows number name) using the windows title "Ragnarok"
getdc - get the device context (the graphical window) of the hwnd
bitblt - copy something from one dc to another. you can do it directly to a forms dc that you made or you can use...
createcompatibledc and createcompatiblebitmap apis to make your own offscreen dc and then transfer it directly to a bitmap through some other APIs.

And yes, all those sprite shots where taken out of the sprites in the grf files directly. I have a policy to not host anything I can't personally assure is safe myself, and unfotunatly, VB code isn't very easily reverse engineered to check. I had a friend who had the soruce but lost it, but when i get my hands on it and compile a version myself, or just create one from scratch, I will host it here.

(edited by Sasami on 05-01-02 05:58 PM)
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - hi sasami, nice skills! |
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