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Welcome to the digital realm of Jeffrey Riaboy. Here, you’ll find a curated collection of my endeavors, musings, updates, and assorted reflections. As a self-taught programmer and avid computer enthusiast, I work in C++ as a favorite choice, though the realities of our digital world have led me to become proficient in dozens of other languages.

Programming has been a lifelong journey for me which I have been hacking on since before I can rememember. It is my passion, profession, first love, and my constant challenge, offering both fulfillment and frustration in equal measure.

This space is dedicated to sharing insights, innovations, and inspirations I’ve gathered along the way. My aim is for you to discover something here that sparks your interest or serves your needs, as that is the driving force behind my commitment to compile and share this content. Dive in and explore. Your presence is highly appreciated.

The original (well... last) intro page to my website before this became the home. It is a flash portal to my personal sites of the past.
[1999-2001?] My ancient NES emulator made in Visual Basic (which was made to prove the power and flexibility [not speed] of the language).
[2002] A chronicle of my experiences and tinkering from early ’02 to early ’04 on an addictive yet horribly crappy MMORPG. Site also has some nice “hacking”/reverse engineering tutorials.
Ragnarok Hacking
I’ve temporarily set this to link to the Projects section of this website until I’m ready to announce the new website this will link to.
Updates Archive
The nulltypes system has been overhauled so all null types are under a generic type named NullType in the top level package. For example, instead of using nulltypes.NullUint8 you would now use NullType[uint8]. This also really helped clean up the null types code. This is a version breaking change, hence the minor version number update.

Other minor changes:
  • Readme file and package information has been updated with the following changes:
    • The type support section has been redone for clarity
    • The structs in the code examples have had the members labeled to explain their used supported type
  • Marshled JSON strings are now properly json escaped
  • Added bypass for my RawBytes bug fix, now that it has been fixed in go v1.23
  • Removed test case that is no longer compatible with go 1.21+
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Section: Misc > Resume

I made a pretty massive overhaul of my resume. Both the PDF and the copy on this site’s resume section have been updated.

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GoFasterSQL is a tool designed to enhance the efficiency and simplicity of scanning SQL rows into structures in Go[lang].

While this project was first released in December of 2023 on github and has already had 7 releases there, I’ve finally gotten around to adding it here. I don’t anticipate there being many more releases any time soon as the project is feature complete.

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Plex recover posters & art from previous backup

My Plex server decided to go through my database and screw with all the posters and art, so I made the below script which can be used to recover them. You should only use this if doing a full revert to backup is not a viable option. Do also note that if you have refreshed the metadata on any tv series since the backup, it could cause issues with the episode posters.

#Run the following commands as root sudo su #User variables SERVICE_NAME='plexmediaserver' BACKUP_LOCATION='/ROOT_BACKUP_LOCATION/' PLEX_USER='plex' #Derived variables (Slashes at end of directory paths are required) SQLITE3_PATH="/usr/lib/$SERVICE_NAME/Plex SQLite" DB_PATH="/var/lib/$SERVICE_NAME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db" IMG_PATH="/var/lib/$SERVICE_NAME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/" CACHE_PATH="/var/lib/$SERVICE_NAME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/" #Stop the plex service until we have updated everything echo "Stopping Plex" systemctl stop "$SERVICE_NAME" #Set the (user_thumb_url, user_art_url, and updated_at) from the old database in the new database. #The updated_at is required to match the cached images echo "Updating database" sudo -u "$PLEX_USER" "$SQLITE3_PATH" "$DB_PATH" -cmd "ATTACH DATABASE '$BACKUP_LOCATION$DB_PATH' as OLDDB" "
UPDATE metadata_items AS NMDI SET user_thumb_url=OMDI.user_thumb_url, user_art_url=OMDI.user_art_url, updated_at=OMDI.updated_at FROM OLDDB.metadata_items AS OMDI WHERE NMDI.id=OMDI.id
#Copy the posters and art from the old directory to the new directory echo "Copying posters" cd "$BACKUP_LOCATION$IMG_PATH" find -type d \( -name "art" -o -name "posters" \) | xargs -n100 bash -c 'rsync -a --relative "$@" "'"$IMG_PATH"'"' _ #Copy the cached images over echo "Copying cache" rsync -a "$BACKUP_LOCATION$CACHE_PATH" "$CACHE_PATH" #Restart plex echo "Starting Plex" systemctl start "$SERVICE_NAME"
Some useful Plex commands

The below commands are tailored for Linux, as file paths are different for Windows. They need to be ran with the sudo -u plex prefix for proper user access permissions.

Get list of libraries
'/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Media Scanner' --list

Force library intro dection
'/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Media Scanner' --analyze --manual --server-action intros --section LIBRARY_ID

Force library credit dection
'/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Media Scanner' --analyze --manual --server-action credits --section LIBRARY_ID

Export media list
sqlite3 '/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db' '
SELECT MDI.id, file, title, MDI."index", hints, GROUP_CONCAT(T.text) AS taggings
FROM media_parts AS MP
INNER JOIN media_items AS MI ON MI.id=MP.media_item_id
INNER JOIN metadata_items AS MDI ON MDI.id=MI.metadata_item_id
LEFT JOIN taggings as T ON T.metadata_item_id=MDI.id AND T.text IN ("credits", "intro")
This outputs the following (column separated by pipe “|”) for each individual media item:
  1. Metadata item ID
  2. File path
  3. Title
  4. Episode Number
  5. Hints (e.x. =&episode=1&episodic=1&season=1&show=Ninja%20Turtles&show_name=Ninja%20Turtles&year=2002)
  6. “credits” and “intros” tags (if the credits and intros timestamps have been calculated)
Moving Plex from Windows to Linux

Yesterday I moved my Plex installation from a Windows machine to a Linux machine. The primary data folders that needed to be copied over were Media, Metadata, Plug-ins, and Plug-in Support. It doesn't hurt to copy over some of the folders in Cache too. It's possible there may be some more data that needs to be moved over, but I don't have documented what.

After moving all the data, I updated the paths in the database for the new machine. Doing this allowed me to keep everything as it was and no new refreshes/scans needed to be done.

The location of the Plex modified SQLite for me was at /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex SQLite. So the following is the bash commands to stop the plex server and open SQLite editor on Linux Mint 21.3.

service plexmediaserver stop
/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex\ SQLite '/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db'

And the following is the SQL I used to replace a D: drive with a path of /home/plex/drives/d/. You can replace these strings in the below code with your custom drives and paths.

#Replace backslashes with forward slash in paths
UPDATE media_parts SET file=REPLACE(file, '\', '/');
UPDATE section_locations SET root_path=REPLACE(root_path, '\', '/');
UPDATE media_streams SET url=REPLACE(url, '\', '/') WHERE url LIKE 'file://%';

#Replace root paths
UPDATE media_parts SET file=REPLACE(file, 'D:/', '/home/plex/drives/d/');
UPDATE section_locations SET root_path=REPLACE(root_path, 'D:/', '/home/plex/drives/d/');
UPDATE media_streams SET url=REPLACE(url, 'file://D:/', 'file:///home/plex/drives/d/') WHERE url LIKE 'file://%';
UPDATE media_streams SET url=REPLACE(url, 'file:///D:/', 'file:///home/plex/drives/d/') WHERE url LIKE 'file://%';
UPDATE metadata_items SET guid=REPLACE(guid, 'file:///D:/', 'file:///home/plex/drives/d/');