Home Page

Welcome to the digital realm of Jeffrey Riaboy. Here, you’ll find a curated collection of my endeavors, musings, updates, and assorted reflections. As a self-taught programmer and avid computer enthusiast, I work in C++ as a favorite choice, though the realities of our digital world have led me to become proficient in dozens of other languages.

Programming has been a lifelong journey for me which I have been hacking on since before I can rememember. It is my passion, profession, first love, and my constant challenge, offering both fulfillment and frustration in equal measure.

This space is dedicated to sharing insights, innovations, and inspirations I’ve gathered along the way. My aim is for you to discover something here that sparks your interest or serves your needs, as that is the driving force behind my commitment to compile and share this content. Dive in and explore. Your presence is highly appreciated.

The original (well... last) intro page to my website before this became the home. It is a flash portal to my personal sites of the past.
[1999-2001?] My ancient NES emulator made in Visual Basic (which was made to prove the power and flexibility [not speed] of the language).
[2002] A chronicle of my experiences and tinkering from early ’02 to early ’04 on an addictive yet horribly crappy MMORPG. Site also has some nice “hacking”/reverse engineering tutorials.
Ragnarok Hacking
I’ve temporarily set this to link to the Projects section of this website until I’m ready to announce the new website this will link to.
Updates Archive
The nulltypes system has been overhauled so all null types are under a generic type named NullType in the top level package. For example, instead of using nulltypes.NullUint8 you would now use NullType[uint8]. This also really helped clean up the null types code. This is a version breaking change, hence the minor version number update.

Other minor changes:
  • Readme file and package information has been updated with the following changes:
    • The type support section has been redone for clarity
    • The structs in the code examples have had the members labeled to explain their used supported type
  • Marshled JSON strings are now properly json escaped
  • Added bypass for my RawBytes bug fix, now that it has been fixed in go v1.23
  • Removed test case that is no longer compatible with go 1.21+
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Section: Misc > Resume

I made a pretty massive overhaul of my resume. Both the PDF and the copy on this site’s resume section have been updated.

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GoFasterSQL is a tool designed to enhance the efficiency and simplicity of scanning SQL rows into structures in Go[lang].

While this project was first released in December of 2023 on github and has already had 7 releases there, I’ve finally gotten around to adding it here. I don’t anticipate there being many more releases any time soon as the project is feature complete.

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Moving Plex from Windows to Linux

Yesterday I moved my Plex installation from a Windows machine to a Linux machine. The primary data folders that needed to be copied over were Media, Metadata, Plug-ins, and Plug-in Support. It doesn't hurt to copy over some of the folders in Cache too. It's possible there may be some more data that needs to be moved over, but I don't have documented what.

After moving all the data, I updated the paths in the database for the new machine. Doing this allowed me to keep everything as it was and no new refreshes/scans needed to be done.

The location of the Plex modified SQLite for me was at /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex SQLite. So the following is the bash commands to stop the plex server and open SQLite editor on Linux Mint 21.3.

service plexmediaserver stop
/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex\ SQLite '/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db'

And the following is the SQL I used to replace a D: drive with a path of /home/plex/drives/d/. You can replace these strings in the below code with your custom drives and paths.

#Replace backslashes with forward slash in paths
UPDATE media_parts SET file=REPLACE(file, '\', '/');
UPDATE section_locations SET root_path=REPLACE(root_path, '\', '/');
UPDATE media_streams SET url=REPLACE(url, '\', '/') WHERE url LIKE 'file://%';

#Replace root paths
UPDATE media_parts SET file=REPLACE(file, 'D:/', '/home/plex/drives/d/');
UPDATE section_locations SET root_path=REPLACE(root_path, 'D:/', '/home/plex/drives/d/');
UPDATE media_streams SET url=REPLACE(url, 'file://D:/', 'file:///home/plex/drives/d/') WHERE url LIKE 'file://%';
UPDATE media_streams SET url=REPLACE(url, 'file:///D:/', 'file:///home/plex/drives/d/') WHERE url LIKE 'file://%';
UPDATE metadata_items SET guid=REPLACE(guid, 'file:///D:/', 'file:///home/plex/drives/d/');
Password transfer script for Roboform to BitWarden
I created this script because I wasn’t happy with the native Roboform importer inside Bitwarden. This fixed multiple problems including:
* Ignoring MatchUrls
* Parent folders weren’t created if they had no items in them (e.x. if I had identities in Financial/Banks, but nothing in /Financial, then it wouldn’t be created /Financial)
* Completely ignoring the extra fields (RfFieldsV2)

This fixes all those problems.
This needs to be ran via php in a command line interface, so `php convert.php`. It requires the [bitwarden cli “bw” command](https://bitwarden.com/help/cli/). There are 2 optional arguments you can pass: 1) The name of the import file. If not given, `./RfExport.csv` will be used 2) The “bw” session token. If not given as a parameter, it can be set directly inside this file on line #4. You get this token by running `bw unlock` (after logging in with `bw login`).
This script does the following: * Reads from a csv file exported by Roboform to import into bitwarden * Runs `bw sync` before processing * Imported Fields: * Name: Becomes the name of the item * Url: Becomes the URL for the item * MatchUrl: If this is not the same “Url” then it is added as another URL for the item * Login: Becomes the login (user) name * Pwd: Becomes the password * Note: Becomes the note * Folder: Item is put in this folder * RfFieldsV2 (multiple): * Fields that match the login or password fields are marked as “linked fields” to those. If the field names are the following, they are not added as linked fields: *user, username, login, email, userid, user id, user id$, user_email, login_email, user_login, password, passwd, password$, pass, user_password, login_password, pwd, loginpassword* * Fields that are different than the login or password are added as appropriate “Custom fields”. Supported types: '', rad, sel, txt, pwd, rck, chk, are * Each field has 5 values within it, and 3 of those seem to be different types of names. So as long as they are not duplicates of each other, each name is stored as a seperate field. * If all fields are blank but “name” and “note” then the item is considered a “Secure Note” * While reading the csv file for import, errors and warnings are sent to stdout * After the csv import has complete, it will give a total number of warnings/errors and ask the user if they want to continue * Creates missing folders (including parents that have no items in them) * During export to bitwarden: * This process can be quite slow since each instance of running “bw” has to do a lot of work * Keeps an active count of items processed and the total number of items * If duplicates are found (same item name and folder) then the user is prompted for what they want to do. Which is either s=skip or o=overwrite. A capitol of those letters can be given to perform the same action on all subsequent duplicates. * Errors are sent to stdout

Download script here
global $BW_SESSION;
/** @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection,RedundantSuppression */
$BW_SESSION=($argv[2] ?? 'FILL_ME_IN');

print RunMe($argv)."\n";

//Make sure “bw” is installed, given session is valid, and is synced
function CheckBWStatus(): ?string
		return $StatusCheck;
	else if(!is_object($StatusCheck) || !isset($StatusCheck->status))
		return 'bw return does not have status';
	else if($StatusCheck->status==='locked')
		return 'bw is locked';
	else if($StatusCheck->status!=='unlocked')
		return 'bw status is invalid';

	$ExpectedMessage='Syncing complete.';
	if(is_string($SyncCheck=RunBW('sync', null, false)))
		return $SyncCheck;
	else if($SyncCheck[0]!==$ExpectedMessage)
		return "Sync expected “${ExpectedMessage}” but got “${SyncCheck[0]}”";

	return null;

//Pull the known folders
function PullKnownFolders(): string|array
	if(is_string($FolderList=RunBW('list folders')))
		return $FolderList;
	foreach($FolderList as $Folder)
	unset($FolderIDs['No Folder']);
	return $FolderIDs;

//Get the file handle and the column indexes
function GetFileAndColumns(): string|array
	//Prepare the import file for reading
	ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');
	$FileName=$argv[1] ?? './RfExport.csv';
		return 'File not found: '.$FileName;
	else if(!($f=fopen($FileName, 'r')))
		return 'Error opening file: '.$FileName;

	//Check the header row values
		return 'Error opening file: '.$FileName;
	else if(!count($HeadRow) || $HeadRow[0]===NULL)
		return 'Missing head row: '.$FileName;
	if(str_starts_with($HeadRow[0], "\xEF\xBB\xBF")) //Remove UTF8 BOM
		$HeadRow[0]=substr($HeadRow[0], 3);

	$ExpectedCols=array_flip(['Url', 'Name', 'MatchUrl', 'Login', 'Pwd', 'Note', 'Folder', 'RfFieldsV2']);
	foreach($HeadRow as $Index => $Name) {
				return 'Duplicate column title: '.$Name;
				return 'Unknown column title: '.$Name;
		return 'Required columns not found: '.implode(', ', array_keys($ExpectedCols));
	else if($ColNums['RfFieldsV2']!==count($ColNums)-1)
		return 'RfFieldsV2 must be the last column';

	return [$f, $ColNums];

//Process the rows
function ProcessRows($f, array $ColNums, array &$FolderIDs): array
	$Counts=['Error'=>0, 'Warning'=>0, 'Success'=>0];
	while($Line=fgetcsv($f, null, ",", "\"", "")) {
		//Process the row and add result type to counts
		$Result=ProcessRow($Line, $ColNums);

		//Handle errors and warnings
		if($Result[0]!=='Success') {
				print "$Result[0]: Row #$RowNum $Result[1]\n";
		} else if(isset($Result['Warnings']) && count($Result['Warnings'])) {
			print "Warning(s): Row #$RowNum ".implode("\n", $Result['Warnings'])."\n";

		//Add the folder to the list of folders (strip leading slash)
		$FolderName=($Line[$ColNums['Folder']] ?? '');
		$FolderName=substr($FolderName, ($FolderName[0] ?? '')==='/' ? 1 : 0);

		//Save the entry
	return [$Counts, $FolderNames, $Items, $RowNum];

//Process a single row
function ProcessRow($Line, $ColNums): array
	//Skip blank lines
	if(!count($Line) || (count($Line)===1 && $Line[0]===null))
		return ['Warning', 'is blank'];

	//Extract the columns by name
	foreach($ColNums as $Name => $ColNum)
		$C->$Name=$Line[$ColNum] ?? '';

	//Check for errors and end processing early for notes
		return ['Error', 'is missing a name'];
	else if($C->Url==='' && $C->MatchUrl==='' & $C->Login==='' && $C->Pwd==='') {
		return ['Success', 'Data'=>(object)['type'=>2, 'notes'=>$C->Note, 'name'=>$C->Name, 'secureNote'=>['type'=>0]]];

	//Create a login card
		'notes'=>$C->Note===''  ? null : $C->Note,

	//Create error string for mist fields
	$i=0; //Declared up here so it can be used in $FormatError
	$FormatError=function($Format, ...$Args) use ($ColNums, &$i): string {
		return 'RfFieldsV2 #'.($i-$ColNums['RfFieldsV2']+1).' '.sprintf($Format, ...$Args);

	//Handle misc/extra (RfFieldsV2) fields
	for($i=$ColNums['RfFieldsV2']; $i<count($Line); $i++) {
		//Pull in the parts of the misc field
		if(count($Parts=str_getcsv($Line[$i], ",", "\"", ""))!==5)
			return ['Error', $FormatError('is not in the correct format')];
		$Parts=(object)array_combine(['Name', 'Name3', 'Name2', 'Type', 'Value'], $Parts);
			return ['Error', $FormatError('invalid blank name found')];

		//Figure out which “Names” to process
		foreach([$Parts->Name2, $Parts->Name3] as $NewName)
			if($NewName!=='' && !in_array($NewName, $PartNames))

		//Process the different names
		foreach($PartNames as $PartName) {
			//Determined values for the item
			/** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $Type=null; //Overwritten in all paths

			//Handle duplicate usernames and password fields
			if(($IsLogin=($PartValue===$C->Login)) || $PartValue===$C->Pwd) {
				if($Parts->Type!==($IsLogin ? 'txt' : 'pwd'))
					$Warnings[]=$FormatError('expected type “%s” but got “%s”', $IsLogin ? 'txt' : 'pwd', $Parts->Type);
				$LinkedID=($IsLogin ? 100 : 101);

				//If a common name then do not add the linked field
				/** @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection */
					$IsLogin ?
						['user', 'username', 'login', 'email', 'userid', 'user id', 'user id$', 'user_email', 'login_email', 'user_login'] :
						['password', 'passwd', 'password$', 'pass', 'user_password', 'login_password', 'pwd', 'loginpassword']
			} else {
				//Convert the type
				switch($Parts->Type) {
					case '': //For some reason some text fields have no type given
					case 'rad':
					case 'sel':
					case 'txt': $Type=0; break;
					case 'pwd': $Type=1; break;
					case 'rck': //Radio check?
						if($PartName!==$Parts->Name) //Ignore second names for radio checks
							continue 2;
						if(count($RadioParts=explode(':', $PartName))!==2)
							return ['Error', $FormatError('radio name needs 2 parts separated by a colon')];
					case 'chk':
						if($PartValue==='*' || $PartValue==='1')
						else if($PartValue==='0')
							return ['Error', $FormatError('invalid value for chk type “%s”', $PartValue)];
					case 'are': //This seems to be a captcha
						continue 2;
						return ['Error', $FormatError('invalid field type “%s”', $Parts->Type)];

			//Create the return object

	//Return finished item and warnings
		$Warnings[0]="RfFieldsV2 warnings:\n".$Warnings[0];
	return ['Success', 'Data'=>$Ret, 'Warnings'=>$Warnings];

//Ask the user if they want to continue
function ConfirmContinue($Counts, $RowNum): ?string
	//Ask the user if they want to continue
	printf("Import from spreadsheet is finished. Total: %d; Successful: %d, Errors: %d, Warnings: %d\n", $RowNum, $Counts['Success'], $Counts['Error'], $Counts['Warning']);
	while(1) {
		print 'Do you wish to continue the export to bitwarden? (y/n): ';
		switch(trim(strtolower(fgets(STDIN)))) {
			case 'n':
				return 'Exiting';
			case 'y':
				break 2;

	return null;

//Get folder IDs and create parent folders for children
function GetFolders($FolderNames, &$FolderIDs): ?string
	foreach(array_keys($FolderNames) as $FolderName) {
		//Skip “No Folder”
		if($FolderName==='') {

		//Check each part of the folder tree to make sure it exists
		$FolderParts=explode('/', $FolderName);
		foreach($FolderParts as $Index => $FolderPart) {
			$CurPath.=($Index>0 ? '/' : '').$FolderPart;

			//If folder is already cached then nothing to do
			if(isset($FolderIDs[$CurPath])) {

			//Create the folder
			print "Creating folder: $CurPath\n";
			if(is_string($FolderInfo=RunBW('create folder '.base64_encode(json_encode(['name'=>$CurPath])), 'create folder: '.$CurPath)))
				return $FolderInfo;
			else if (!isset($FolderInfo->id))
				return "bw folder create failed for “${CurPath}”: Return did not contain id";
	return null;

//Pull the known items
function PullKnownItems($FoldersByID): string|array
	if(is_string($ItemList=RunBW('list items')))
		return $ItemList;
	foreach($ItemList as $Item) {
		$CurItems[($Item->folderId===null ? '' : $FoldersByID[$Item->folderId].'/').$Item->name]=$Item->id;
	return $CurItems;

function StoreItems($Items, $CurItems, $FoldersByID): int
	print "\n"; //Give an extra newline before starting the processing
	$HandleDuplicatesAction=''; //The "always do this" action
	foreach($Items as $Index => $Item) {
		//Clear the current line and print the processing status
		printf("\rProcessing item #%d/%d", $Index+1, $NumItems);

		//If the item already exists then request what to do
		$FullItemName=($Item->folderId===null ? '' : $FoldersByID[$Item->folderId].'/').$Item->name;
		if(isset($CurItems[$FullItemName])) {
			//If no "always" action has been set in $HandleDuplicatesAction then ask the user what to do
			if(!($Action=$HandleDuplicatesAction)) {
				print "\n";
				while(1) {
					print "A duplicate at “${FullItemName}” was found. Choose your action (s=skip,o=overwrite,S=always skip,O=always overwrite):";
					if(in_array(strtolower($Val), ['s', 'o']))
				if($Val!==$Action) //Upper case sets the "always" state

			//Skip the item

			//Overwrite the item
			if(is_string($Ret=RunBW('edit item '.$CurItems[$FullItemName].' '.base64_encode(json_encode($Item)), 'edit item: '.$FullItemName))) {
				printf("\nError on item #%d: %s\n", $Index+1, $Ret);

		//Create the item
		if(is_string($Ret=RunBW('create item '.base64_encode(json_encode($Item)), 'create item: '.$FullItemName))) {
			printf("\nError on item #%d: %s\n", $Index+1, $Ret);
	return $NumErrors;

//Run a command through the “bw” application
function RunBW($Command, $Label=null, $DecodeJSON=true): string|object|array
	//$Label is set to $Command if not given

	//Run the command and check the results
	global $BW_SESSION;
	exec(sprintf('BW_SESSION=%s bw %s --pretty 2>&1', $BW_SESSION, $Command), $Output, $ResultCode);
		return 'bw is not installed';
	else if($ResultCode===1)
		return "bw “${Label}” threw an error: \n".implode("\n", $Output);
	else if($ResultCode!==0)
		return "bw “${Label}” returned an invalid status code [$ResultCode]: \n".implode("\n", $Output);
	else if($Output[0]==='mac failed.')
		return 'Invalid session ID';
	else if(!$DecodeJSON)
		return [implode("\n", $Output)];
	else if(($JsonRet=json_decode(implode("\n", $Output)))===null)
		return "bw “${Label}” returned non-json result";

	//Return the json object
	return $JsonRet;

function RunMe($argv): string
	//Make sure “bw” is installed and given session is valid
		return $Ret;

	//Pull the known folders
		return $FolderIDs;

	//Get the file handle and the column indexes
		return $Ret;
	[$f, $ColNums]=$Ret;

	//Process the rows and ask the user if they want to continue
	[$Counts, $FolderNames, $Items, $RowNum]=ProcessRows($f, $ColNums, $FolderIDs);
	if(is_string($Ret=ConfirmContinue($Counts, $RowNum)))
		return $Ret;
	unset($Counts, $RowNum, $f, $ColNums);

	//Get folder IDs and create parent folders for children
	if(is_string($Ret=GetFolders($FolderNames, $FolderIDs)))
		return $Ret;

	//Pull the known items
		return $CurItems;

	//Store all items
	$FolderIDs['']=null; //Change empty folder to id=null for json insertions
	$NumErrors=StoreItems($Items, $CurItems, $FoldersByID);

	//Return completion information
	return "\nCompleted ".($NumErrors ? "with $NumErrors error(s)" : 'successfully');
Installing KeePassXC & a Flatpak sandboxed browser

Since I have been moving my primary workstation to Linux, I have been in need of finding a new password manager after Roboform failed me. I decided to try out KeePassXC but was having trouble since my Ungoogled Chromium browser was sandboxed in Flatpak. The instructions for this on Unix Stack Exchange were no longer working so I had to dig into it myself.

The 2 primary problems were that:
1) The browsers’ sandboxes did not have the QT libs.
2) The interprocess communication pipe socket had been renamed from kpxc_server to org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.BrowserServer.

The following are the instructions to get KeePassXC running in Flatpak versions of both Chrome and Firefox. This was tested on Linux Mint 21.3 with both Ungoogled Chromium and Firefox. You will need to change the KP_FLATPAK_PACKAGE if you use other versions of Chrome.

  1. Run the relevant below environment variables in your command shell before running the commands in the following steps:
    #Shared environment variables:
    #Chrome environment variables:
    #Firefox environment variables:
  2. Install and enable the browser extension:
    KeePassXD > Tools > Settings > Browser Integration:
    • Check “Enable Browser Integration”
    • Check “Chromium” and/or “Firefox”
    • Download the plugin listed on this screen in your browser
    • Click "OK"
    Note: This creates $KP_JSON_START/$KP_JSON_NAME

  3. Set up the needed files in the sandbox:
    #Put KeePass proxy and needed library files in user directory
    mkdir -p $KP_CUSTOM/lib
    mkdir -p $KP_JSON_END #Needed for firefox
    cp /usr/bin/keepassxc-proxy $KP_CUSTOM/
    rsync -a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libicudata* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libicuuc* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libicui* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdouble* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libsodium* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5* $KP_CUSTOM/lib
    #Copy the JSON file to the Flatpak app directory and change the executable path in the file
    sed -i "s/\/usr\/bin\//"$(echo $KP_CUSTOM | sed 's_/_\\/_g')"\//" $KP_JSON_END/$KP_JSON_NAME
  4. Add permissions to the Flatpak:
    flatpak override --user --filesystem=$KP_CUSTOM:ro $KP_FLATPAK_PACKAGE #Only required if home directory is not shared to the Flatpak
    flatpak override --user --filesystem=xdg-run/org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.BrowserServer:ro $KP_FLATPAK_PACKAGE
    flatpak override --user --env=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(flatpak info --show-permissions $KP_FLATPAK_PACKAGE | grep -oP '(?<=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=).*')";$KP_CUSTOM/lib" $KP_FLATPAK_PACKAGE