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12-08-24 02:43 AM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - want to test you 1337 t0|1334 n|nj4 sk|11z? |
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Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
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Posted on 05-22-02 06:09 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
heh, thanks

Since: 05-03-02
From: Vancouver
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Posted on 05-22-02 07:40 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
how do you do lvl 4?

I'm assuming you need some sort of java decompiler to do it? ~_^
*BakedBeans hasn't worked with java for at least 2 years


Since: 02-19-02
From: England

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Posted on 05-22-02 01:00 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
bah, well, i did get to lvl 3, cant do it tho, i can work out whats wrong, after all i have done Java at Uni
just sends me to a fake lvl 4 tho, dunno how to do anything else, cos im poo


Since: 05-06-02
From: Atlanta, GA, USA

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Posted on 05-22-02 02:22 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
on Lvl 3 take good look at the code... stuff is in there just to distract you... and you're trying to think outside of the box ^^

Smile Smile ^^


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
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Posted on 05-22-02 04:10 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by BakedBeans
how do you do lvl 4?

I'm assuming you need some sort of java decompiler to do it? ~_^
*BakedBeans hasn't worked with java for at least 2 years

no you don't. as usual, check out the cache. i started reading the code after decompiling it, then my friend told me the easiest solution in the world, easier than 2 or 3... just like Sabbath said. just keep you're eyes peeled

and when you get a solution to 5, gimme a holla ^_~

Loki: DaiSHi, H.O.L.Y.Merchant, Robbin'Hood
47/34 swordman, 23/17 merc, 34/25 Thief

Since: 05-10-02
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Posted on 05-22-02 05:52 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
what does I337 mean?

I'm an archer, and an acolyte. Wish I could change between characters while in game.


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
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Posted on 05-22-02 06:08 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by MingShun
what does I337 mean?

l337 = leet, or short for elite. ever watch hackers or hackers 2?

Loki: DaiSHi, H.O.L.Y.Merchant, Robbin'Hood
47/34 swordman, 23/17 merc, 34/25 Thief


Since: 02-19-02
From: England

Since last post: 7992 days
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Posted on 05-22-02 06:16 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by Jaide
on Lvl 3 take good look at the code... stuff is in there just to distract you... and you're trying to think outside of the box ^^

i did, ive seen stuff to distract me, and ive also found the password, however i also only ever get to fake lvl 4, i have try'd everything possibly imaginable, and everything beond, the only things left are things i cant do, which means i cant do it


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
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Posted on 05-22-02 06:22 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by Makoto
Originally posted by Jaide
on Lvl 3 take good look at the code... stuff is in there just to distract you... and you're trying to think outside of the box ^^

i did, ive seen stuff to distract me, and ive also found the password, however i also only ever get to fake lvl 4, i have try'd everything possibly imaginable, and everything beond, the only things left are things i cant do, which means i cant do it

not everything imaginable...
hint: u "found the password". question is... is it the password before or after it runs the if statement?
if u (have) figured that out... just play around, make use of your temp internet files...

Loki: DaiSHi, H.O.L.Y.Merchant, Robbin'Hood
47/34 swordman, 23/17 merc, 34/25 Thief


Since: 02-19-02
From: England

Since last post: 7992 days
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Posted on 05-22-02 07:12 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
yaya, i did it, the problem was my lack of javascrip, i know JAVA, but not javascrip there very close, but theres a fundimental difference
the fundimental difference being that i did not know that it requires a sorce file, i only discoverd this by going through every string in the whole sorce file and copy and pasting it to the URL box in IE, then seeing if it existed, i just happend to stumble into it
you see, i didnt know they had already been initialised, i thought they had on perposly wrote it so that it was broken, and had to be 'fixed'
thinking waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy out of the box on that one, lol
(and due to me lack of knowledge of javascript, i also assumed that if an un-initialised string was used, it would just ignor the function instead of crashing or giving an error (as a normal java programme would))

it also didnt help that i didnt know what 'src =' ment, and i just assumed it was nessecery to run a javascript app

P.S. lvl 4 was far too easy, i know (normall) JAVA well

(edited by Makoto on 05-22-02 02:14 PM)


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
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Posted on 05-22-02 07:17 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
hehe, congrats Makoto...
now do 5 for me ^^, jk...

yea...i only know Java... forgot any pascal i was taught.
but you could expect javascript to follow some of the same conventions/principles as Java if it's gonna use it in it's name...

Loki: DaiSHi, H.O.L.Y.Merchant, Robbin'Hood
47/34 swordman, 23/17 merc, 34/25 Thief


Since: 02-19-02
From: England

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Posted on 05-22-02 07:26 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
well yes, i did assume that, but because i didnt know the meaning of 'src =' i just assumed it was similar to 'extends' or 'imports' and assumed they were needed files to run a javascript app (like you need to do 'extends JFrame' if you want to make a GUI in Java)
meh, if id known what src ment, i would have found it easy

P.S. i bet my friend could do lvl 5, he knows VB well, he even programed a game in VB using the DirectX 8 SDK

but he lives about 6 miles from me and doesnt have an internet connection or phone line LOL

(edited by Makoto on 05-22-02 02:30 PM)


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
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Posted on 05-22-02 08:11 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by Makoto
well yes, i did assume that, but because i didnt know the meaning of 'src =' i just assumed it was similar to 'extends' or 'imports' and assumed they were needed files to run a javascript app (like you need to do 'extends JFrame' if you want to make a GUI in Java)
meh, if id known what src ment, i would have found it easy

P.S. i bet my friend could do lvl 5, he knows VB well, he even programed a game in VB using the DirectX 8 SDK

but he lives about 6 miles from me and doesnt have an internet connection or phone line LOL

no phone line.... damn...
hehe, i had no idea what src was either...

Loki: DaiSHi, H.O.L.Y.Merchant, Robbin'Hood
47/34 swordman, 23/17 merc, 34/25 Thief

Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

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Posted on 05-22-02 09:35 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
hmm, stuck on level 5.

i just need an answer to my suspicion, i'll try not to reveal anything.
do you need "john the ripper" to decipher the password?
it seems like it's encripted.

And once again our friend, and semi-hero posts again....



Since: 05-03-02
From: California
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Posted on 05-22-02 09:39 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
no idea, i was using txt pad on the dll and converting the hex into words... found "user" in one spot... password in a few places...but nothing that would seem useful. no "Try2Hack" either... guess this is the end of the line for someone without VB knowledge

Loki: DaiSHi, H.O.L.Y.Merchant, Robbin'Hood
47/34 swordman, 23/17 merc, 34/25 Thief

Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

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Posted on 05-22-02 09:41 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
i tried that too... :|
thats why I think the password seems encrypted or somewhat hidden.

*searches around*

And once again our friend, and semi-hero posts again....


Since: 05-17-02

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Posted on 05-22-02 11:54 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by DaiSHi
Originally posted by MingShun
what does I337 mean?

l337 = leet, or short for elite. ever watch hackers or hackers 2?

There's a Hackers 2?

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 05-23-02 12:53 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
you don't need vb knowledge to figure it out i'm sure you can find a decompiler out there and look at the code and figure it out.


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
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Posted on 05-23-02 06:24 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by Erocard
Originally posted by DaiSHi
Originally posted by MingShun
what does I337 mean?

l337 = leet, or short for elite. ever watch hackers or hackers 2?

There's a Hackers 2?

yea...i have it on cd...i forgot which guy is in there... but it's nothing like hackers 1. no angelina jolie. totally different characters/time/setting/culture...

ps. what version of vb is this? vb6 compiler won't work with it... 3 or 4?

Loki: DaiSHi, H.O.L.Y.Merchant, Robbin'Hood
47/34 swordman, 23/17 merc, 34/25 Thief

(edited by DaiSHi on 05-23-02 01:46 AM)

Since: 05-10-02
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 05-23-02 06:54 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
thanks, nope, never saw it before. How about t0|1334? "to leea" doesn't make sense...

I'm an archer, and an acolyte. Wish I could change between characters while in game.
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - want to test you 1337 t0|1334 n|nj4 sk|11z? |
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